Meet the Founder: Amalia Barthel

The Mastermind Behind Designing Privacy

Hi, I'm Amalia Barthel, Founder of Designing Privacy— I'm an accomplished privacy, digital and information risk professional with CIPM, CIPT, CRISC, CISM, PMP, and CDPSE under my belt. I've designed and created courses and teach at the University of Toronto, empowering future leaders. As a Privacy Coach at Designing Privacy Canada, it's my passion to guide responsible data practices for your organization.

Read More About Us


Why Hire Us?

It's Com-Pleasant to be Compliant, especially when it's on demand, and on YOUR terms. We help you to:

  • Stay updated on privacy laws:

    This includes regulations like PIPEDA, Quebec Loi 25, other provincial private sector laws, GDPR, and CCPA, keeping the organization informed about changes and ensuring compliance.

  • Develop & implement a custom Privacy program:

    We'll create a comprehensive plan that outlines how your organization will collect, store, use, and dispose of personal data.

  • Data privacy impact assessments (PIAs):

    We'll inform you on the privacy risks associated with new projects or technologies before implementation.

  • Data breach response planning and execution:

    We'll help your organization develop a plan for responding to data breaches in an efficient and compliant manner.

  • Training and awareness programs:

    We'll help educate your employees on privacy policies, data security best practices, and user data rights.

  • We'll create your data governance framework:

    We'll work with you to implement policies and procedures for handling personal data throughout its lifecycle within your organization.

  • Privacy by design implementation:

    We'll work in tandem to embed privacy considerations throughout the design and development of your products and services.

  • Vendor management:

    We'll ensure that third-party vendors who handle personal data comply with privacy regulations and organizational policies.

Got 3 minutes?

That's how long it takes for you to fill out this privacy questionnaire. Let's get to know your organization, and get your privacy strategy into motion.

Fill Out Our Prelim Questionnaire

We Operate With A Roots-First Approach To Data Privacy

We build privacy programs with a roots-first approach, so that it becomes embedded seamlessly into the fiber and culture of the organizations.

The ultimate goal is to be PROACTIVE, not reactive.

We help you:

  • Avoid costly penalties for non-compliance with data privacy laws
  • Build trust with your customers by demonstrating your commitment to their data privacy
  • Streamline your data management processes while reducing unecessary administrative burdens

Discover What Our Clients Say

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  • ✅ Simple and effective

    Our simple approach focuses on building privacy into the business operations from the ground up, through privacy engineering, risk management and easy to implement tools.

  • 💡 Innovative but humble

    We bring an innovative approach to building privacy programs from the ground up by planting seeds and watering often. Privacy compliance does not have to be complex or complicated but….com-pleasant

  • ⭐ Preserving your energy

    Imagine reaping the benefits of enhanced trust, reduced legal risks, improved employee morale, heightened data security, and a competitive edge in the market when you become privacy compliant.

Work With Us

Concerned about navigating complex data privacy laws like PIPEDA, Quebec Loi 25, other provincial private sector laws, GDPR, and CCPA?

Get a Free Consultation with your new Virtual CPO, Amalia, and discover how we can help your organization achieve compliance, reduce risk, and build trust with your customers.

No problem is too large or small.

Contact us today.

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